Wednesday, April 11, 2007

MLA Digital Poster session at Chicago '07 Convention

Ira Greenberg, Miami U of Ohio
Visualizing Poetry: The Poetess Archive Database

Susan Schreibman, U of Maryland College Park
Visualizing Textual Genesis: The Versioning Machine

Geoffrey Rockwell, McMaster University
Tools for Visualization: TAPoR

Sara Steger, University of Georgia

Kari Kraus
Visualizing Your Bibliography: Zotero

Arno Bosse, U of Chicago
The Future of visualization


Geoffrey Rockwell said...

For those who want to play with some of the TAPoR visualization toys on your own texts you can try the TAPoRware versions at:

Pattern Distribution. This will graph distribution of a pattern over the text.

Visual Collocator. This interactive toy (uses client-side Java) lets you see a web of collocates to a seed word.

Weighted Centroid. This interactive toy (uses client-side Java) lets you see the distribution of words on a circular graph.

Principal Component Analysis. This interactive toy (uses client-side Java) lets you see a 3D space of high frequency words. Choose the "Display as Java Applet" or you just get the data.

Raining Words. This interactive toy (uses client-side Java) flows high frequency words. Click in the centre and move your mouse to control the flow.

Sara Steger said...
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Sara Steger said...

The MONK Project now has a public website at

Steve Olsen said...

There is some discussion of textual visualization on the Humanist listserv.

Geoffrey Rockwell said...

I've been blogging text visualization projects online for those interested in seeing other projects. Look at the archive,

Geoffrey Rockwell said...

Sorry, here is a hot link:

Visualization Archive

amerune said...

The live link for the discussion of textual visualization on Humanist (mentioned by Steve above) is here.